Project Manager Coaching by Andrew Munnings

The role of the PM is often over stressed - people forget what a PM does - and what we do not do. The PM often finds that everything is dumped on the PM - responsible for everything and able to do none of it. This program is designed to allow new and developing project managers to have someone to talk to about problems, issues and challenges as they gain experience - confidentially from and independent experienced Project Manager
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About Andrew
Business is Frustrating and complicated - people don't deliver what you expect them to - this leads to the manager or business owner taking on the stress. Rather than lashing out - or hyperventilating from all those deep breaths - lets look at what you are doing - and structure the approach. Working a 26 hour day is not an option - but structuring the business - clarifying your goals - means that you are able to stop what is not needed, focus on what is needed and relax about handing responsibility to others.