Manager 1-2-1 bespoke packages by Andrew Munnings

1 hour 1 to 1 - you bring the problem and leave when you have a plan for the solution. This allows you to work with me on an ongoing pay as you go service - no commitment - just as you need the service. Work with me to build yourself and work out what it is that you need to do to to fix the most stressful parts of your role quickly and then move on to the next item - bring the top 5 items - we can see how far we get.
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About Andrew
Business is Frustrating and complicated - people don't deliver what you expect them to - this leads to the manager or business owner taking on the stress. Rather than lashing out - or hyperventilating from all those deep breaths - lets look at what you are doing - and structure the approach. Working a 26 hour day is not an option - but structuring the business - clarifying your goals - means that you are able to stop what is not needed, focus on what is needed and relax about handing responsibility to others.