Searching For: Web Developmen

Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Angular, and Google Maps. His daily mission is to help develop
angularreacttypescriptjavascriptcypressweb developmentHTMLteachingtrainingmentoringpublic speaking
I am having good amount of experience in IT industry. I had started my journey as a software develop
JavaSpring bootHibernateMicro servicesWeb developmentLow level designHigh level designDatabaseSQL
With over 12 years of experience in web development, I am a seasoned Senior Software Engineer deeply
JavaScriptTypescriptReactAngularCSSWeb Development

Start writing a professional summary about yourself. This is the first thing people will see when

computer sciencSoftware ArchitecturWeb DevelopmenCommunication skillJavaScripReacCareer DevelopmenInterviewinTechnical InterviewGrowtHTMBackenCodinnew managerTechnical Manager LeadershiStrategical ThinkinDeep LearninNodTransitioning to ManagemenWeEngineering ManagemenEngineering Startup ManagemenUX DesigMachine LearninData SciencCareeReact NativMarket StrategData StrategBusiness Growtmanager InterviewPerformance Managemensenior Enginee
Experienced and highly skilled PHP/Web/WordPress expert with a proven track record of over 13 years
PHPWordPressJavascriptWeb DevelopmentLanding PageHTMLCSSCSS3HTML5REACT JSMYSQL