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I'm George Beverley and I offer mentoring services for those working in or getting into customer
Peer MentoringInteraction DesignData-Driven DesignQuantitative
ResearchHuman Centrered DesignDesign ThinkingButcherLeo Burnett
I am Shanaws Mahamud, a product designer with a strong UI/UX background derived from solid academic
PersonaJourney MappingA/B TestingUsability TestingValidationAnalysisCard SortingUser SurveyInformation ArchitectureWireframeUser-Centered DesignInteractionDesign SystemHigh
Fidelity MockupsDesign reviewDocumentationProject PlanningFigmaMiroWebflowFramerWordpressJiraHotJarUXUIUser ResearchProduct researchUser experience
Start writing a professional summary about yourself. This is the first thing people will see when
Heuristic AnalysisA/B TestingCompetitor AnalysisWireframingPrototypingUX writingInteraction Design
You can't understand Figma, its hard❌ You just need correct tutor✅
Hey Future Desi
FigmApp DesigUI DesigInteraction DesigPrototypinWireframin
I'm an experienced Lead AI UX Interaction Designer, skilled in creating intuitive and innovative use
In past 15+ years of my experience with design, I have gained expertise in not only condu