Searching For: Artificial Intelligenc

Greetings everyone! Drawing from +10 years of experience overseeing big game-changing B2B products i
Product ManagementCracking InterviewsStrategy, Business ModelExecutive PresenceGrowthFinancial AnalysisGo to MarketArtificial Intelligence

Blockchain enthusiast and Data Believer with 8 years of versatile experience in Supply & Chai

PythoLeadershiPysparMachine learnindeep learninchurforecastindata analysiArtificial IntelligencNLstatSQ
As a long time management consultant, I made the switch into Product Management and I can help YOU g
Strategy, MarketingProduct led growthagile developmentProduct ManagementArtificial IntelligenceDesign ThinkingAgile Development
Do you feel overlooked? Do you believe you could perform at a higher level if you were given the opp
team playerLogisticsLegalDebt ManagementTravelSaaSArtificial intelligenceWynter.ioIQPCPremier CXZendeskMedalliaOracleproductcoaching

I've worked at various tech companies as a data scientist and machine learning engineer, and

Machine LearninNatural Language ProcessinComputer VisioSoftware EngineerinData EngineerinPythoSQPyTorcTensorfloKeraDeep LearninAlgorithmStatisticCodinData SciencInterview PreparatioResume RevieCareer GrowtCareer DevelopmenCareer CoachinCareer ChangCareer AdvicCareer TransitioMicroserviceGiGithuLinuResearcEngineerinKuberneteData AnalyticDockeData StructureArtificial IntelligencSystem DesigProgramminAWData VisualizatioDatabasBig Dat