Reza Fazeli
ML @IBM | Career Coach
I've worked at various tech companies as a data scientist and machine learning engineer, and I have taught data science and machine learning at University of Toronto and other tech bootcamps in Toronto. I have also mentored 50+ folks throughout my career helping them grow their career and land various roles in the industry.
If you're ready to take the next step in your career, let's work together to make it happen. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you reach your goals!
Machine LearninNatural Language ProcessinComputer VisioSoftware EngineerinData EngineerinPythoSQPyTorcTensorfloKeraDeep LearninAlgorithmStatisticCodinData SciencInterview PreparatioResume RevieCareer GrowtCareer DevelopmenCareer CoachinCareer ChangCareer AdvicCareer TransitioMicroserviceGiGithuLinuResearcEngineerinKuberneteData AnalyticDockeData StructureArtificial IntelligencSystem DesigProgramminAWData VisualizatioDatabasBig Dat
- English
- Persian
- MASTER of Mechanical Engineering / University of Toronto
Employment Histories
- Machine Learning Engineer at IBM
- Machine Learning Engineer at Soundhound
- Data Scientist at Looka
- Data Scientist at B-Secur
- Research Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital
- Software Engineer at University of Toronto