Alireza Ehsani

Alireza Ehsani

Mentor at MidShift


I am a statistical geneticist and a data scientist, working on genetics of farm animals to improve their production and efficiency. With over 15 years of experience in research, teaching and mentorship, I have a passion for helping junior scientists grow and succeed. I look forward to sharing insights, supporting your development, and learning together. Let's make this journey rewarding and productive for all of us!


United Kingdom


  • English
  • Persian


  • BACHELOR of PhD in Molecular Biology /
  • BACHELOR of Animal Science /
  • BACHELOR of Veterinary Medicine and Sience /
  • BACHELOR of Journal of Animal Production /
  • BACHELOR of Linear Models in /
  • BACHELOR of Linear Models in /
  • BACHELOR of bachelor course /

Employment Histories

  • Geneticist Scotland’s at Roslin Institute
  • Assistant professor at Tarbiat Modares University
  • Boarding member at Zarbal Toyour Ltd.
  • Research assistant at University of. Edinburgh
  • PhD student at University of. Edinburgh
  • Visiting PhD student at Iowa state university