Pivoting Decision Making by Jorge Sierra

Do you need to pivot? let's figure it out
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About Jorge
Greetings everyone! Drawing from +10 years of experience overseeing big game-changing B2B products in hypergrowth fintech startups such as Paystand ($1B), as well as highly disruptive business model startups like Resilia. Also, I am a serial entrepreneur of tech and non-tech companies in the Latam market, backed by two post-graduate degrees, one for math specialization and another MBA. I am eager to assist you with getting meaningful shit done wherever you are at! How? 1) Product Development and highly pivotal frameworks 2) Go to Market & Go to Person 3) Executive Leadership 4) Business Automation using AI 5) Generative AI for Product Development 6) Business PnL, Cash Flow and Finance Analysis to determine Pricing and Packaging 7) Defining what is the best growth strategy for your company, sales-led growth, product-led growth 8) Starting in Product. Career Transitioning (CV, Product Sense, Product Execution Interviews) I'm here to leverage this expertise to empower you in your professional journey. Looking forward to our collaboration!